MIL Team Research
We create new models of Artificial Intelligence

We write scientific articles

Completed research projects
    Published scientific articles
      What projects do we help corporations with:
      • Preliminary Research
        Exploratory analysis of a new topic: searching for scientific articles, available data, open source code, forming hypotheses.
        The result is a base of materials for quick immersion in the area and requirements for future stages.
      • Technical pipeline development
        We assemble a pipeline from a variety of existing algorithms for solving a problem based on client data.
        The result is a library with a basic solution and a list of bottlenecks for subsequent modifications.
      • Remove negative effect
        We eliminate the key negative effect in the model’s operation: from instability to low quality in target conditions.
        The result is a new version of the model that meets the specified criteria.
      • Development of an industrial pipeline
        We come up with and create a prototype for solving a client’s business problem based on modern AI models. The result is a prototype demonstrating the fundamental possibility of solving the problem.
      • Increase in quality
        We collect samples and further train models to achieve a given quality threshold using client data.
        The result is a new version of the model that meets the target metrics.
      • Model compression
        We compress models programmatically to meet the requirements for computational complexity at a given quality.
        The result is a new version of the model that meets the target requirements.
      How do we work on the result?

      The methodology sets the boundaries of the R&D process
      Tools support this process
      The team is trained to work with R&D tasks
      Flexible approach to project scope management and transparency of the development process
      Using AI project methodology to reduce risks and systematically achieve breakthrough results
      Deep understanding of both core business needs and the use of SotA AI methods
      Short iterations with the transfer of a useful and exploitable result
      Scientific consultants Research Group
      Scientific consultants of the Research Group
      • Konstantin Vorontsov
        Prof, MSU
        Specialisation: NLP
      • Andrey Leonidov
        Prof, CERN
        Specialisation: ML
      • Vadim Strijov
        Prof, Grenoble
        Specialisation: Sensors
      • Andrey Raygorodsky
        Prof, Yandex
        Specialisation: ML, Graphs
      • Mikhail Burtsev
        Prof, AIRI
        Specialisation: NLP
      • Radoslav Neychev
        Specialisation: Sensors
      • Ilya Zharikov
        Specialisation: DL & Sensors
      • Oleg Bakhteev
        Specialisation: DL
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